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Break Time

Break Time

1- when you notice it

2- Listening to rock music 


3 - my taxi 


4 - could you eat your mouth full

 5 - Day of job interview

 6 -  Questions

 7 - Hate When This Happens (via eatliver )

  8 - Is this silk ? (via eatliver )

 9 - shit tv (via fb )

10 - making a salad

 11 - Break debate if you could own one of these

12 - Stephen king story head 

13 - meow-meow

14 - let's play 

15 - What those things are for ?!

16 - Egg powered police car

17 - Things got awkward for his bunkmate real fast

Break Time Break Time Reviewed by kacem youcef on December 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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